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Prince Fakorede


September 17, 2020



Yakubu Aiyegbeni’s Legendary miss at the World Cup Finals.


An amazing chance to score, that not even a 7-month Pregnant woman will miss.


Assuming he had scored, Nigeria would have progressed to the next round.


But he didn’t score.


Let me tell you a secret about this incident.


You and Yakubu, YOU’RE THE SAME


Chill, let me explain.


The both of you don’t score when it counts !!


You have the chance to make as much money as you want, but you don’t.


You’re acting like you have two lives, you spend money anyway it pleases you, you don’t set aside for the future; You waste time like God will give you another life.


Yakubu didn’t score in this match, costing Nigeria the opportunity to progress into the next round.


You don’t score in your finances, costing you the opportunity to live your dreams.

  • You don’t make as much as you want; but you spend lavishly like OBO.

  • You don’t save what you should thinking that You.Only.Live.Once so why should I save?

  • You spend money and time on things that are inconsequential in the long run. (Is Big Brother paying you?)

All in all, you have a problem in your finances. Same way that Yakubu had a problem in front of the post.




The solution is to become efficient and effective in your finances.


To learn how to be free of money worries and build trans-generational wealth. 


And the first step is to learn how to save,


Effective and efficient Saving. 


You think you know how to save?




Look at your savings (that is if you have) and ask yourself, can your savings save you?


This is the first question to ask and the first step to being free from money worries. To score and hit the target in your finances, your finishing ability must be top notch.


(Finishing is the ability of a player to put the ball in the back of the net consistently when presented with a chance, your savings habit is your finishing ability)


Yakubu’s finishing let him down in front of the post, don’t let your lack of saving let you down in life.


To help you with this, allow me to introduce you to a guide on how to save that I know will give you the finishing ability that Yakubu didn’t have.


The name is Savings Elementals; it is a simple to apply, repeatable and easy to use system for saving money and making it work for you. It gives you everything you need to begin creating a solid financial life for you and for your children and your children’s children.   


Think about it, if after university; your parents told you that, there is one money somewhere that will be giving you 50k per month; won’t you be happy?


50k isn’t much oh, but if you’re paying rent of 300k per year, isn’t house rent sure?


Your parents didn’t give you this, but I’m asking you to give yourself the chance to do so.


Give yourself the chance to pay 50k every month into your account.


Savings elementals teaches a lot, such as how to plan long-term savings and short-term savings, why your personal goals are essential in saving. So that you can live the life you want to live.


Now I’m thinking that this report should only be exclusive to a certain amount of people, if too many people know, they now have the ability to be financial giants. Then next thing you know, first class lounge in the airport is crowded.


But If you want to be part of the next exclusive set of financial giants you don’t have to spend a lot of money.


You get the principles and knowledge necessary for your transformation at a price you can afford.


The knowledge and strategies to be independent and create transgenerational wealth for life.


The normal price is N25,000.


But I don’t want you to pay that much, I want to give you at a price that you won’t have to stress too much about.


Not N25,000


Not N15,000


Oh and by the way.


I have also added some bonuses to make this a complete steal for you:

  • A lost but found book on how to close any kind of sale, regardless of what you sell(N17,000)

  • A book on how to choose which online business is perfect for you (N10,000)

  • The Foundational book for all financial intelligence, (you can trace all financial advice to this book) (N15,000)

  • N17,000

  • N10,000

  • N15,000

  • TOTAL = N42,000 Worth of Bonuses


Over N42,000 worth of bonuses all yours FREE plus the knowledge to be financially independent.

Click this link NOW and pay just N10,000


Not N25,000.


Not N15,000






When you click on the link, you will be taken to a secure page where you can make payment with your debit card.


Once payment is successful, you will be redirected to the page where you can access the guide.


If you have any enquiries, you can send them directly to me

I reply all emails.

Because I know how Nigeria is, that’s why I’ve cut the price down to this.


N10,000 is easily within your means, that’s less than what you spend on eating out per month.


Easily affordable, so that you don’t have an excuse not to brag about how rich your grandchildren will be, and how your baecation to Santorini was amazing.


But you might still have some doubts, so let me give you one extra assurance.


If you apply these principles and use this knowledge and after 12 months, it doesn’t live up to your expectations, just call and ask for a refund.


To be clear, I want you to get this guide and apply the knowledge and principles in it for 12 months, if it doesn’t live up to your expectations, I’ll give you every kobo of your money back.


PLUS, you can keep the report.


Here are the Bonuses Again


  • A lost but found book on how to close any kind of sale, regardless of what you sell(N17,000)

  • A book on how to choose which online business is perfect for you (N10,000)

  • The Foundational book for all financial intelligence, (you can trace all financial advice to this book) (N15,000)

  • N17,000

  • N10,000

  • N15,000


If you’d like you begin your journey to learn how to be free of money worries (and I know you do) the best thing to do is to Click this Link Now


I’m confident that you getting this guide will be one of the best financial decisions you’ll ever make


That because I’m confident what you’ll learn will help propel you to the level of being financially assured of the future.


Click here and Get it Now.


Rooting for you,



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